Tag Archives: emotional support

I’m Shocked! What you *Really* Want From a Man!

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I’m shocked! I thought I really knew what a savvy, successful, and stunning woman like you wants from a man. 

But BOY, was I wrong! After interviewing dozens of women about their dating and love lives (for an exciting new project that I’ll share more about soon) I realize I was wrong, wrong, wrong!

I thought your top priority was security, chivalry, and of course LOVE. Now don’t get me wrong, you do want these things. But they’re not at the tippity-top of the list. Can you guess what is?

Someone who just gets it about…work! That’s right! You want to be understood, seen, and truly supported emotionally and spiritually in the work that you do. You don’t want your man to be your boss, or even in the same industry, necessarily. But you do want him to get it. You want him to get how driven you are. You want him to get it that for you it’s not just work, it’s your passion, and an expression of your best self!

Does this sound like you? Do you want a man who just gets it about work? Let’s get this conversation going, I have a feeling it’s gonna be a juicy one! Leave a comment–What do you really want from a man? I can’t wait to hear from you!

Till I see you soon, take good care of your sweet heart.

