Tag Archives: like a newborn

Do You Feel Like an Insecure Little Girl?

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I know you’re a strong powerful woman–at work, in the gym, with all your relationships with your friends and family.

But what happens when it comes to dating? Do you become an insecure little girl? That’s what a new client told me. She’s totally together and confident in every area of her life. But then when she gets around men she likes–BOOM–she becomes tongue-tied toddler! What gives? She doesn’t feel like herself but she doesn’t know what to do!

Well, she (and many other women like her) made the mistake of compartmentalizing her life. That is, she keeps her work life separate from her spiritual life, which is separate from her friend and family life, which of course, is also separate from her love life.

So she gets better at what she’s already good at–work and creating deep friendships. But she totally neglects what she’s less good at, like flirting. And so when she’s around a man she thinks is cute, she feels like an insecure little girl. Not a good scene.

What to do? Consider your life as a full package, not a collection of parts. That is, your work, spiritual, friendships and of course LOVE life are all part of the same being–YOU! And YOU dear, are a big girl who deserves the best. Remember that! And maybe next time you’re flirting with a guy, you’ll feel like the powerful love the machine that you are!


What do you think? Have you ever felt like a little girl in one area of your life, and a strong woman in the other? Let me know in the comments, I can’t wait to hear!

