Tag Archives: too fat to date

Too Fat to Date

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Spring has sprung! And to get ready for the warmer months I’ve decided to enroll in a six-week challenge at my gym. (Yes, I got to the gym!) The challenge is simple–attend as many classes as you can (both strength and cardio) and measure your change in body fat percentage. I’m pretty excited to get my heart pumping!

I asked one of the challengers what motivated her most, and she bluntly said, “I’m too fat to date. I want to get in better shape before I start dating again.”

WHAT??!!! Too fat too date?!

But she got me thinking–is there an ideal weight, fitness level, or body fat percentage that makes you “ready?” The answer is a Big Fat NO.

What matters most is body confidence, not your body weight. If you’re feeling strong, healthy, and moving toward your optimum form, then you’re gonna feel fantastic! Working out and taking control of your health builds confidence. And when you’re confident, men notice.

On the other hand, if you’re not feeling confident–heavy, bloated, uncomfortable in your own skin–it doesn’t matter what the scale says. It doesn’t matter if your friends tell you that you look great. If you’re not feeling confident in your body than no one’s going to ask you out. Simple as that.

So please, by all means work out, take a yoga class, a zumba class, or go for a long walk! Start building your body confidence, and you’ll become sexy and attractive no matter what your weight!

What do YOU think? Have you ever felt too fat to date? Let me know in the comments section. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts.



Why Don’t Men Talk to Me?

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It’s Friday night. You get all gussied up, go out, and hope to meet someone interesting. But once you get to the bar you just end up just looking around and talking to your friends. I mean, really–you wore heels for this?!

Frustrating, right?

I know. I’ve wondered many times, “Why don’t men talk to me?” Do I look fat? Am I doing something weird that makes them stay away? Should I walk to the bathroom oh so slowly (again) just to make sure they see me? I mean really, what’s it gonna take to actually get a “hello?”

The truth is that men DO want to talk to you. In fact, they’re dying to talk to you. When they see you at the bar, or in the coffee shop, or even in the Key Foods getting your milk and eggs, they’re intrigued. And they’re scared as shit.

You see, talking to women is hard. And talking to a woman like YOU is really hard. You’re beautiful! And you could reject them. You could walk the other way. Or worse, you could immediately put them in the “friend zone” where you think “aw, he’s so sweet.” But you and I both know you’d never ever want to see that guy without a shirt. Ugh, gross!

So, what do you do about this? Well, I have a few ideas in this video. I’m not saying you should be as overt as I am (you gotta watch to see what I did to get the guy) but you could make yourself a little more…um, noticeable.

Check it out here:

So, what do you think? Is this a viable way to get a man’s attention? Share in the comments section below–What’s the kookiest thing YOU’VE done to get someone to talk to you?

P.S.–This is NOT a typical episode of BDG.TV. It’s a shameless share of bearing my soul and overcoming my deepest fears of performing. I sincerely hope you enjoy it!



What Tony Soprano Taught Me About Love

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What could Tony Soprano possibly teach me about love? Well, it’s not exactly Tony Soprano. It’s the late (and great) James Galdolfini in the movie Enough Said.

First and foremost, watching this movie is just so sad knowing that James Gandolfini is no longer with us. His performance is stunning.

He plays opposite Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and together they play a couple who just started dating. We see them from the beginning stages of their relationship, and as they get more comfortable with each other.

***SPOILER ALERT: If you haven’t seen the movie and want to, you probably shouldn’t read the next few lines or watch this episode of BDG.TV. While it doesn’t tell the whole story, it still might give you more information than you want to know.***

At some point in their relationship James Gandolfini’s character says, “You broke my heart. And I’m too old for this shit.”

This taught me two very important things:

1) Guys fall in love.

2) Guys get their hearts broken.

Do you think a guy would ever say that in real life? Well, turns out James Gandolfini added the line himself!

I realize this might be a big fat duh to you. But I have to admit, it can be easy for me to forget. Is this is obvious to you? Or do you need this reminder too? Let me know in the comments section below!

Let’s bring some more compassion to the boys, OK?

