Tag Archives: The 3 Date Rule

The 3 Date Rule, explained

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In last week’s episode of BDG.TV we talked about body issues, and how they can affect your dating. You heard about a woman who felt insecure about her own body, and judged a perfectly good man as “not being able to run a marathon” (true story!).

I suggested in the comments section that if this woman, or anyone for that matter, finds herself veering into “judge-y” territory about a man’s appearance, she apply The 3 Date Rule.

The 3 Date Rule: If you’re judging, commit to two more dates as long as he’s a nice guy.

BUT, how can you tell if he’s a nice guy? In the video, I offer three ways to figure it out. Maybe there are more? What do YOU think of the 3 Date Rule? How do you tell if someone’s a “nice guy?” Let me know in the comments section!


