Tag Archives: self-acceptance

Your Ex is Dating Someone New: 3 Tips on How to Deal

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Has this ever happened to you?:

You and your ex-boyfriend break up, and you’re devastated.

But then you go to yoga class, and you start to feel better.

You talk to your girlfriends and you remember all the times he disappointed you. Strangely, you feel even better.

A sexy guy flirts with you, and you actually feel good.


You see your ex-boyfriend getting Sunday morning coffee with another woman–and BAM!–you’re right back in that devastated place.

I’ve been there. If you have too, this episode of BDG.TV is for you. In it, I discuss 3 tips on how to deal when your ex dates someone else.

Tell me about your experiences–how did YOU deal when your ex started dating someone else? What did you do? How did you feel? Let me know in the comments section!





The 3 Date Rule, explained

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In last week’s episode of BDG.TV we talked about body issues, and how they can affect your dating. You heard about a woman who felt insecure about her own body, and judged a perfectly good man as “not being able to run a marathon” (true story!).

I suggested in the comments section that if this woman, or anyone for that matter, finds herself veering into “judge-y” territory about a man’s appearance, she apply The 3 Date Rule.

The 3 Date Rule: If you’re judging, commit to two more dates as long as he’s a nice guy.

BUT, how can you tell if he’s a nice guy? In the video, I offer three ways to figure it out. Maybe there are more? What do YOU think of the 3 Date Rule? How do you tell if someone’s a “nice guy?” Let me know in the comments section!




How NOT to Expose Your Body Issues On a Date

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Body issues–everyone’s got em.’ But how do they affect your dating life?

That’s what I was talking about over lunch a couple days ago, with my matchmaker friend. She was telling me all about her “problem client” who seems to have it all–beauty, intelligence, success, and even an athletic lifestyle.

So what’s the problem? She’s 25lbs. overweight, and very self-conscous about her body. (To be clear–her negative opinion of her body is the problem here, NOT the extra weight.)

So how did her body issues affect her dates?

Watch it here and find out: 

I’m asking you–Have you ever been like this “problem client?” What would you tell her if she were your client?

Let me know in the comments section–I can’t wait to hear your advice!

